Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Take It Off

        Now before you turn the brightness down on your computer, so no one knows what you're reading. Let me explain what we are taking off: The mask.

    Take it off right now. If you have an actual mask on your face, then yes, definitely take that off. Where did you even get that?

    What I am talking about is the mask you put on everyday when you get out of bed and the one you take off at the end of each day. You don't know you do it. You don't feel yourself grabbing the mask along with your jacket as you walk out the door, but you do. You put it on, sip your coffee, and you start your day.

    The mask has a mouthpiece just small enough for a few words and a smile to escape: "I'm fine! How are you?" When people ask how you are, they don't really want to know how you are, do they? But that's okay with you, because your mask wouldn't allow that many words to escape anyways.

    The mask covers the scars, the raw feelings we have that society tells us not to share. You're sad? Struggling? Suck it up, honeybun. You are supposed to have it together. Kate Moss never has problems, right?

    We suffocate behind the mouthpiece of the mask because it is so tight around our lips. We cannot speak to share our opinions, emotions, or feelings for fear of what the response will be. Never has their been a time in history where humans based so much of themselves off the opinions of others. We live off likes, comments, shares, and followers. We are constantly checking social media to make sure people are enjoying the mask we've painted and perfected. Isn't it heartbreaking that we are constantly encouraged to be someone else? Skinner, Prettier, Smarter, Funnier, etc. Society gives out free masks without your consent. The worst part? You put them on.

TAKE THAT THING OFF.  Throw it away. Set fire to it. Anything. 

Be free. Say what you want to say and be exactly who God made you to be. Stand up. Break the chains. Make a difference. You were placed on this earth for a very unique purpose. How dare you cover that up with a mask?

"The LORD of Hosts Himself has purposed it; therefore, who can stand in its way? It is His hand that is outstretched, so who can turn it back?" -Isaiah 14:27

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