Thursday, April 28, 2016

Not Everyone is Going to Like You

"Not everyone is going to like you."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We hear it all the time, but do we actually understand? Are we actually seeing how incredibly positive and freeing that reality is?

Our society has become so obsessed with pleasing others that it has subconsciously become a character trait in many of us. We post our best images and statuses in order for others to think highly of us. We learn which posts receive the most likes and we post more in that category, even if it isn't exactly what we'd prefer. IN FACT, if a certain post doesn't get a double digit number of likes, we delete it and wonder why no one else shared the same outlook. How sad is that?

It's only human to want to be respected and loved. As a human, we want little to no enemies and behave accordingly until we essentially lose who we are.

Since when did it become wrong to do what you wanted to do?  Since when did one person's negative opinion stop you from being yourself? Stop letting others dictate your actions. Stop pouring milk in someone else's cereal. For crying out loud, goodness gracious, be yourself!

Say what you want to say. Do what you feel. Wear what you want to wear.

If you're silly and a little crazy because you are simply in a good mood- be that.

If you are labeled "nerdy" because you like Star Wars and interesting facts- be that.

If you are labeled "fake" because you like to wear makeup and style your hair- be that.

If you are labeled "fat" because you are eating a donut- eat that person while you're at it. Jerk.

 So many of us miss out on opportunities because we are overly worried about what other's think. Within all of us, there are multiple things we have a passion for. There are many dreams we really really desire to follow, but don't, to spare the opinions of others.

- Traveling the earth has people admiring you or talking about how you should be at home working.

- Starting a business you've always dreamt of has people inspired or laughing at you, saying that you are wasting money.

- Posting blogs/ vlogs has people entertained or scoffing at how narcissistic you are. (Love that one)

Bottom line: Not everyone is going to like you. It wasn't meant to be that way. Personalities clash. People like different things. Do you know one person loved by everyone? Do you know one famous person who doesn't have an equal following of "haters"?

Historically speaking, the most loved and inspirational individuals were also the most hated. Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, etc. They did what they were placed on this earth to do, no matter the consequences or opinions of others.

Why aren't we?

Friday, April 22, 2016

To the Girls Who..

To the girls who are starving themselves,
To the girls who are seeing something very wrong in their reflection,
To the girls who are thinking that if they could just be 10 pounds lighter they'll be happy,
To the girls who feel like their friends will finally accept them if they're thinner,
To the girls who believe the boys will find you beautiful if you are skinny,


You are enough.

The idea you have in your mind that being skinny and thin will bring happiness, success and opportunities, is disgusting and wrong. Skinny is only skinny. If there are people in your life that are making you feel self conscious about your appearance or your body, run. Run from them. They are not worth your skipped meals, your mirror-inducing tears, and they are especially not worth your time and energy. 

You are so beautiful, exactly the way you are. The clothes that you feel confident in should not be thrown away because they aren't a single digit number or the ideal "0". The makeup that makes you feel pretty should not induce self-doubt because your "friends" say you look like you're trying too hard. That part of your stomach or hip you can grab? That is called skin. That is called your beautifully, sculpted body. It is supposed to be there. Just because it appears differently on photoshopped models, does not mean you are ugly. 

The world tells you that you will only receive a decent life if you're skinnier, prettier, or smarter. You will not. You will never have more of a life than God has already planned for you to have, so why on earth are you wasting your time worrying about a silly pound to impress someone other than God, who is already astonished by your beauty.

We are daughters of a King- A KING! That means we are princesses. Disney's portrayal of princesses is actually correct. Princesses are beautiful, strong, brave, and breathtaking. Were any of those descriptions about weight or appearance? They may be portrayed as such, but they are all seen on the inside. You should never define yourself by the inches of your waist or wallow in self pity when you eat a calorie or 7.

You are enough. 
You will never be more enough than you are right now.

Your life begins when you stop caring about what other's think, expect, or want from you. Be yourself. All of you. Stop believing what the world tells you is beautiful. 

Your body hears everything your mind says. Say nice things. 

You are enough. Go live.  

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Helpful Hints: Motivation

     It's that time again. I have no other excuses to put off working out. The Christmas cheer has passed (that lasted me until now- April 14th) and Summer is right around the corner. The stores are filling with bathing suits and thinning on oversized sweaters. For those of you who don't know, oversized sweaters are a lazy workout girl's best friend and I am sad that the season has vanished.

     However, there is this lovely thing called motivation and although it is buried 372004829 feet under the can be found! Here are some tips that help be get going:

1) Coffee
     Guys. I don't know what it is about this liquid, but it is miraculous and definitely helps give me a push in the morning.

2) Wake up early
     I know this doesn't sound pleasant, but waking up early gives you more time in the day and you can't have the excuse of "I didn't' have time." 
    (Which I still use even after hours of watching TV- "I just didn't have time to work out today. Dang.")

3) Inspiration
     BE REASONABLE HERE. Don't immediately google Beyonce and expect yourself to look like her after two days of working out. You will not and it is extremely disappointing, trust me. Find inspiration in people similar to you who are making progress and strive to be better than you were yesterday. (I made that line up)

4) Music
    Nothing is more motivating for me during a workout than listening to music. Hearing the sound of my dying breaths while I run is haunting and mildly concerning. Therefore, I blast my music. Shameless Demi Lovato playlist on repeat. Yes, that includes the Camp Rock soundtrack duh.

5) Burn the negative thoughts
   There is nothing more destructive than your own mind. I can talk myself in or out of something faster than lightning. The first thought I have during a run is, "Yes! What a beautiful day for a run!" Then, "This sucks. This is so terrible. I don't even like moving."  
    Monitor your thoughts. Don't even let your mind finish the negative thought. It will make life 45600 times better all around. 

What I'm Wearing
1) Sports bra: Target
2) Cropped leggings: Target
3) Jacket: Nike


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Why You Should Never Be Sad

     There is not one single person who is happy every day of their lives. You can act as positive and perfect as you want, but you do not smile when you pour a bowl of cereal and realize you are out of milk. You are not always laughing. You are not always gushing rainbows. You are not always happy, because you are human. It took me a long time to realize that it is okay not to be okay. Some days when I feel down, I feel guilty because I know many people would kill for my life. Whenever I have a bad day, people always say something like, "Seriously, your life is perfect. Stop." Which only leaves me feeling even more upset and ungrateful.

    However, we are able to title certain days "bad" because we have had the opposite days: Good.
So how do I change a bad day to a good one?

I sit down, grab some coffee, and think of all the reasons why I should never be sad.

1) There is an entire "how to" book for life, but some never open it.
    God knew we would have our good days and have our bad. He knew we would worry so much about things that the phrase "Do not fear" is mentioned in the Bible 365 times. Having a personal relationship with God is honestly the only key to true joy. I know I joke around about things, but I wouldn't be who or where I am without Him.

2) Pizza is of existence.
    Need I say more? No.

3) Pizza can be delivered.
    I guess I'm saying more. Turns out you don't even have to move to find happiness. It now comes to you.

4) Hugs
      Hugs can immediately change someones mood. Hugs are soft. Hugs are mushy. Hugs are warm. Basically, pizza.

5) Smiles
     It is said that a smile is the world's universal language. It doesn't matter who the smile comes from or its timing, but it can make someone feel important. It portrays and spreads happiness. So brighten those eyes, and say cheese! Also found on pizza.

Basically, life won't always be good. You are human and I am human. I may have to work out more than you because of my pizza consumption, but none the less human. Embrace your bad days. Don't feel guilty about them. So you had a bad day? No big deal, you'll have way better ones.

Friday, April 8, 2016

What Changed When I Cut My Hair

      I have done many regretful things with good intentions in my life, but cutting my hair is number one. I thought cutting my thick, long, healthy, wonderful, flowing..sry. I thought that cutting my hair would make my life easier, lead to quicker mornings, and be a nice change. Bless my heart. 

    It made my life harder, lead to longer mornings because I had no idea what to do with this inch of hair on my head, and it was far from a "nice" change. I went from the confidence of Kanye West to feeling like a pinto bean in one "snip" at the hair salon.

So what did change? What did I learn from my hair cut experience?

1) I hate myself.
    I am the worst.

2) I now know why all the Disney princesses have long hair.
    Besides Snow White...who was basically depressed all the time and sleeping- Probably because she had long hair and cut it.

3) You will not leave the hair salon looking or feeling like the picture of Jessica Alba you took in.
     Why do I always think that if I bring in a picture of a celebrity's hair, that my face will change into theirs as well?

4) I don't make fun of people with extensions anymore.
    Envy. Envy is what I have now because you can afford them and you are blending them so well. 

5) Too much of my identity lies in my dead skin cells.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Take It Off

        Now before you turn the brightness down on your computer, so no one knows what you're reading. Let me explain what we are taking off: The mask.

    Take it off right now. If you have an actual mask on your face, then yes, definitely take that off. Where did you even get that?

    What I am talking about is the mask you put on everyday when you get out of bed and the one you take off at the end of each day. You don't know you do it. You don't feel yourself grabbing the mask along with your jacket as you walk out the door, but you do. You put it on, sip your coffee, and you start your day.

    The mask has a mouthpiece just small enough for a few words and a smile to escape: "I'm fine! How are you?" When people ask how you are, they don't really want to know how you are, do they? But that's okay with you, because your mask wouldn't allow that many words to escape anyways.

    The mask covers the scars, the raw feelings we have that society tells us not to share. You're sad? Struggling? Suck it up, honeybun. You are supposed to have it together. Kate Moss never has problems, right?

    We suffocate behind the mouthpiece of the mask because it is so tight around our lips. We cannot speak to share our opinions, emotions, or feelings for fear of what the response will be. Never has their been a time in history where humans based so much of themselves off the opinions of others. We live off likes, comments, shares, and followers. We are constantly checking social media to make sure people are enjoying the mask we've painted and perfected. Isn't it heartbreaking that we are constantly encouraged to be someone else? Skinner, Prettier, Smarter, Funnier, etc. Society gives out free masks without your consent. The worst part? You put them on.

TAKE THAT THING OFF.  Throw it away. Set fire to it. Anything. 

Be free. Say what you want to say and be exactly who God made you to be. Stand up. Break the chains. Make a difference. You were placed on this earth for a very unique purpose. How dare you cover that up with a mask?

"The LORD of Hosts Himself has purposed it; therefore, who can stand in its way? It is His hand that is outstretched, so who can turn it back?" -Isaiah 14:27

Monday, April 4, 2016

5 Things a Girl on a Budget Understands

Let me just start this off buy saying, (hehe, get it "buy" saying...because we're talking about money...*winks*)

...Let me just start this off by saying MONEY DOES BUY HAPPINESS BECAUSE MONEY CAN BUY COFFEE AND SHOES, so don't tell me that I can be happy without money because I cannot be.

Anyways, to the girl on a budget, I understand you and I give you hugs. This is not easy and I get that, but we can do this. We will be fine. Everything is okay. All is well. Trigger the fake smile and tears streaming down my face.

Shall we introduce ourselves? Who are we? What is life like?

How do you really know if you're money constricted?
5 proven poor people actions: 

1) You see a cute shirt at Urban Outfitters. You picture yourself wearing said shirt because it is GORGEOUS. You already see Zac Efron approaching you saying, "Wow. I have never seen a shirt look so good." But upon viewing price tag, all of a sudden that becomes the world's most hideous shirt.

2) When shopping, you pick out two or three things. Stand in the 20 minute line while telling yourself it is a good purchase and you deserve to treat yourself. But when you are next to check out, it happens: The clothes go back on the rack and you exit the store.

3) You are starving- actually meal deprived, but you would rather spend your money on clothes than something you will poop out later.

4) You've googled "Free things to do for fun" more than you're willing to admit. This only results in nothing to do unless you want to make a craft or "Run a 5k" (That suggestion always appears on lists of free fun, which is insulting because "fun" is the keyword here, not death).

5) Goodwill is your ride or die. It is your paradise. It is your bliss. It is your kingdom come. Goodwill has been there for you when humans haven't, and that is okay.

Friday, April 1, 2016

A Park and a Popsicle

     I'm not gonna lie, I've got a pretty good job. When I drive in to work, I drive to a wonderful home filled with love from an amazing family: Two sweet girls, a puppy, and their cherished big brother who truly have superheroes for a mom and dad. Cut out that sparkling family from "The Children's Place" ad and that's who I get to be a nanny for! Sure they have their fair share of life's ups and downs, but I got lucky with this one.

     Most people don't wake up on a Friday excited to go to work, BUT THIS GIRL DID - after her coffee, that is, because everything is bad before that. I had Nora-Jane all to myself today, so we decided to go exploring! We went to the 12th South area downtown and zoomed to the nearest playground. By zoomed, I mean we stopped every half step to pick a flower, twirl around, and collect shiny diamonds (gravel). But once we finally made it and were in the midst of our swinging fun, my eye caught a glimpse of something so beautiful I couldn't break eye contact. Just mere steps from where I was standing the most wonderful sight stood still- A Popsicle Shop.

   That's right. An entire shop completely dedicated to the sugary goodness of popsicles. An entire shop dedicated to making me happy and warm. So many flavors. So many soon-to-be good moods upon ingestion. It took two seconds for me to realize where I truly belonged at that moment: Las Paletas.

 Once we got "so high we could touch the sky" on the swings, we made our way to Las Paletas and ordered two strawberry creme popsicles. Nora- Jane orders ice cream and popsicles based on their color. Luckily, pink is usually a strawberry flavor and that settles well with her (and me...and my hips).

Blog summary: Today was good. Popsicles are good. My job is good. My heart is full.

Unrush Me


     My March book was The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst.  Holy guacamole it is every word I have ever needed to hear in a book. From the relatable stories to the harsh criticism, Lysa explains how to be free from the bondage of the word yes. So why did I title this post "Unrush Me"? Was it a cry for help for someone to actually take all my responsibilities so I can take a 2-3 day nap? Yes! Sign up in the comments below and I will give each individual a task I don't want to do this month.

...Just kidding (April fools?). Although that sounds fine with me, it simply isn't reality. My biggest struggle is saying yes to any and everything. You need someone to talk to? I got you- over coffee, please. You need help with homework? Ask yo girl. You need advice on big decisions? I will become the ring leader of your future. You need me to wipe your floor, feed you grapes, and fan you? I CAN DO THAT AT 3:30 ON TUESDAY. I might as well get a forehead tattoo that says, "yes", so you don't even have to ask.

     I am the girl that fills her schedule up to the brim but still doesn't believe in going to sleep past 10:30. If you didn't already gather, this creates some gigantic challenges. The only thing I like being filled to the brim is a cup of coffee. That is it. That is all the "brim fill" I appreciate. I can hear my schedule laughing at me from my backpack as we speak. Jerk. So insensitive, that schedule of mine.

      So how do I show my schedule who's boss? How do I make my schedule understand that I HAVE THE UPPER HAND HERE? Well you see, I make the schedule. I am the reason that the lines in my planner are scribbled with deadlines. It is not the schedule's fault, it is mine. At the peak of my stress last month, I felt like I had jumped in my planner, shut it, and couldn't get out. I felt like I was drowning in the ink on the pages telling me what I had to do survive. Right when I was about to give up and let the waves of deadlines overtake me, a sweet boy showed up with a certain book in his hands.

      This sweet boy is my very handsome boyfriend, Jordan. I don't know how he does it, but without me even saying I am struggling, he knows. He showed up at my door with The Best Yes and coffee, of course, because he gets me. "I feel like this book could really help you when you're stressed" He said. The hours he spent reading through summaries in Barnes and Noble were well spent I'd say because this book came at the exact moment I needed it.

      "Making wise decisions in the midst of endless demands" was the first sentence I read and I knew Jordan had chosen the right one. (I also realized God gave me the best man in the world and I couldn't be more grateful) In The Best Yes, Lisa talks of the dreadful word yes and feeling powerless to saying no. This book portrays the big difference between saying yes to everyone and saying yes to God. In other words, if our schedules pull us away from our relationship with God and the joy that can only be found in Him, it is time to say n-

It is time to say nnn-

*Clears throat* *Breaths deeply* *Sips coffee* *Refills coffee* *Really enjoys the coffee* *Forgets about blog altogether because wow this coffee*

       It is time to There it is- the two letter word that I felt powerless to saying a month ago makes perfect sense if I can't be the best version of myself for Him. The Best Yes truly shows us which yes is the best yes; If what we are agreeing to do is for selfish reasons to appear that we have it all together or if it is truly what God has in store for you. I would recommend this book to anyone feeling like they are living out of their planner and not their house, as I felt. God is good. God is understanding and sometimes we need the words of others to help us see that.