Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Generation of Lonely

If one were to explain this generation by their actions, many ideas would come to mind: The Party Generation, The Narcissists, Sex-obsessed, or Spoiled. Each log in on social media, follows a log off with envy. We subconsciously are comparing ourselves to the lives of others. The media has suffocated us with the idea that we are missing out on life if we aren't drunk at least 3 nights of the week. You're missing out if you aren't sleeping around while you still can. The only way to achieve happiness is through wealth, success, and endless attention. However, if you haven't noticed, some of the most lonely people in the world have gained all those things. The same pop culture that tells you how to be happy, also has substantial suicides, drug abuse, and divorce. Why? They are so lonely

Our generation drowns themselves in alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. due to the underlying terror of being alone. Our generation has grown up in a time where the media targets our biggest insecurities in order for their industry to thrive. Depressed? Alcohol. Lonely? Sex. Stressed? Drugs. Insecure? Lose weight. Everything we have access to is to distract us from the feeling of loneliness that we mustn't ever accept, right? 

But what happens when your high crashes or your partner for the night leaves? The media never tells that side of the story: The Lonely. We are all so incredibly lonely. We look for anything to fill the holes. The more God is silenced, the more lonely we feel. 

Do you ever wonder what we, as humans, were made for? If you say companionship, you're right. In fact, the media is not wrong with their portrayal of happiness as a group of friends laughing. However, our main relationship was meant to be with God. God wired us for community and connection, yes, but if we aren't careful, we make the mistake of placing our happiness in friends or a significant other. We were created for a relationship with God, above all else. 

"...The Lord your God goes with you; 
He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

We were never ever created to be lonely. God says over and over, "I am with you." He says He will never leave us, nor forsake us. Everything in this world is fleeting, and will constantly leave us wanting more. Not God. He knows our every need. If we would simply spend time with Him instead of googling our struggles, we could actually feel whole and complete.

I hear too many times, "No one understands me", or "You just won't understand". Although we all struggle with loneliness differently, Jesus knows exactly what it's like to be alone. In His scariest, most vulnerable moments, his friends neglected Him. His closest friends pretended they had know idea who He even was. Amidst the worst hours of His life, His own father had to turn His back because he couldn't bear to see the sins (OURS) His son had taken upon Him. 

Jesus knows what it's like to be alone. Go to Him. Believe in Him. Not the world. 

The world is so, so lonely.

Photography: Amberlee Fletcher; "Lilac Lens Photography"

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