Friday, April 22, 2016

To the Girls Who..

To the girls who are starving themselves,
To the girls who are seeing something very wrong in their reflection,
To the girls who are thinking that if they could just be 10 pounds lighter they'll be happy,
To the girls who feel like their friends will finally accept them if they're thinner,
To the girls who believe the boys will find you beautiful if you are skinny,


You are enough.

The idea you have in your mind that being skinny and thin will bring happiness, success and opportunities, is disgusting and wrong. Skinny is only skinny. If there are people in your life that are making you feel self conscious about your appearance or your body, run. Run from them. They are not worth your skipped meals, your mirror-inducing tears, and they are especially not worth your time and energy. 

You are so beautiful, exactly the way you are. The clothes that you feel confident in should not be thrown away because they aren't a single digit number or the ideal "0". The makeup that makes you feel pretty should not induce self-doubt because your "friends" say you look like you're trying too hard. That part of your stomach or hip you can grab? That is called skin. That is called your beautifully, sculpted body. It is supposed to be there. Just because it appears differently on photoshopped models, does not mean you are ugly. 

The world tells you that you will only receive a decent life if you're skinnier, prettier, or smarter. You will not. You will never have more of a life than God has already planned for you to have, so why on earth are you wasting your time worrying about a silly pound to impress someone other than God, who is already astonished by your beauty.

We are daughters of a King- A KING! That means we are princesses. Disney's portrayal of princesses is actually correct. Princesses are beautiful, strong, brave, and breathtaking. Were any of those descriptions about weight or appearance? They may be portrayed as such, but they are all seen on the inside. You should never define yourself by the inches of your waist or wallow in self pity when you eat a calorie or 7.

You are enough. 
You will never be more enough than you are right now.

Your life begins when you stop caring about what other's think, expect, or want from you. Be yourself. All of you. Stop believing what the world tells you is beautiful. 

Your body hears everything your mind says. Say nice things. 

You are enough. Go live.  

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