"Not everyone is going to like you."
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We hear it all the time, but do we actually understand? Are we actually seeing how incredibly positive and freeing that reality is?
Our society has become so obsessed with pleasing others that it has subconsciously become a character trait in many of us. We post our best images and statuses in order for others to think highly of us. We learn which posts receive the most likes and we post more in that category, even if it isn't exactly what we'd prefer. IN FACT, if a certain post doesn't get a double digit number of likes, we delete it and wonder why no one else shared the same outlook. How sad is that?
It's only human to want to be respected and loved. As a human, we want little to no enemies and behave accordingly until we essentially lose who we are.
Since when did it become wrong to do what you wanted to do? Since when did one person's negative opinion stop you from being yourself? Stop letting others dictate your actions. Stop pouring milk in someone else's cereal. For crying out loud, goodness gracious, be yourself!
Say what you want to say. Do what you feel. Wear what you want to wear.
If you are labeled "nerdy" because you like Star Wars and interesting facts- be that.
If you are labeled "fake" because you like to wear makeup and style your hair- be that.
If you are labeled "fat" because you are eating a donut- eat that person while you're at it. Jerk.
So many of us miss out on opportunities because we are overly worried about what other's think. Within all of us, there are multiple things we have a passion for. There are many dreams we really really desire to follow, but don't, to spare the opinions of others.
- Traveling the earth has people admiring you or talking about how you should be at home working.
- Starting a business you've always dreamt of has people inspired or laughing at you, saying that you are wasting money.
- Posting blogs/ vlogs has people entertained or scoffing at how narcissistic you are. (Love that one)
Bottom line: Not everyone is going to like you. It wasn't meant to be that way. Personalities clash. People like different things. Do you know one person loved by everyone? Do you know one famous person who doesn't have an equal following of "haters"?
Historically speaking, the most loved and inspirational individuals were also the most hated. Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, etc. They did what they were placed on this earth to do, no matter the consequences or opinions of others.
Why aren't we?